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2018 AMHA Gold Medal Winners Named

October 15, 2018

Excellence in equitation is valued by AMHA and is recognized through the AMHA Medal Classes, held at local and regional Morgan and all-breed shows. All junior riders who are AMHA members are invited to compete on a Morgan. AMHA Silver Medals are awarded in each of the six seats: Saddle Seat, Western Seat, Hunter Seat on the Flat, Hunter Seat Over Fences, Reining Seat, and Dressage Seat.

Those who place first and second in an AMHA Silver Medal Class are qualified to participate in the Gold Medal Finals at the Grand National. The highest AMHA equitation honor, Gold Medals are awarded in each of the six seats.

AMHA is pleased to announce the following riders earned gold medals in the gold medal finals at this year's Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show®, which took place October 6-13 in Oklahoma City.

Congratulations to the following winners!
Saddle Seat: Audra Lee, 16, of Binghamton, New York
Hunter Seat on the Flat: Alexandra Popper, 18, of Odessa, Florida
Western Seat: Chloe Farischon, 18, of Arcadia, Oklahoma
Dressage Seat: Kaylyn Minnis, 17, of Odessa, Florida
Hunter Seat Over Fences: Tori Wadsworth, 22, of Lee, Massachusetts

There were no entries in this year's Reining Seat Gold Medal Finals.
