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Support our Equine Industry - Take the AHC Survey by September 29!

July 24, 2023

The American Horse Council (AHC) National Economic Impact Study is well underway. It is the most comprehensive and widely used study of the industry’s contributions to GDP including employment, volunteers, equid population, acreage, etc. broken by sectors (Recreation, Racing, Competitions, and Working Horses).

An economic impact study is a critical tool to create an awareness of and an interest in the equine industry; provide positive relationships, including congressional and media relations; identifying the industry as a player in the local, state & national economy and allow the industry to advertise itself by first identifying its contributions.

There are roughly two million horse owners in the United States, and the AHC needs your input to get the most robust picture as possible of the industry’s contributions. To encourage participation, the AHC has partnered with several sponsors to offer 15 incentive prizes*, including as their 1st Prize – One John Deere “green” piece of equipment: Z545R ZTrak Mower valued at $7500, and many more! In addition, all participants completing the survey will be eligible for a 15% discount on purchases at (discount code is provided at the end of the survey).

Click HERE to visit the AHC website to take the survey and learn about the other great prizes being offered or scan the "Horse Owner Study" QR Code below. 

The survey is available now through September 29, 2023.

Thank you for participating and for sharing this survey with all your horse owning friends! 


*Prize winners will be announced in the fall 2023 when the study results are announced. See AHC website to review all the prize drawing rules. (Economic Impact Study – American Horse Council)


